Seeds and Dreams

The New Press: Free Press, Where The Truth is the News


By Marivel Guzman Posted on September 21, 2010

The base of any species survival reside in the SEED. When we modify the structure of development of its genes we are creating a molecular conflict with its environment and its ability to evolve and adapt to the surroundings that were in place before its modification.

Monsanto have played in this field for quite some times, in its efforts to monopolize the supply of seeds, control its development and future behavior in a specific type of soil, which have also been modified to create the conditions for the new structure to grow.

Monsanto can change the genes of a particular specie of seed, and maybe change the soil where it will be developed, but Monsanto can not possible control all the conditions in the environment; such the weather conditions that are required to create healthy plants, microscopic organisms that by normal natural law live in certain types of soils.

Animals that by natural behavior pass through the fields or use these fields as dropping grounds. Really there are countless circumstances that can not be controlled by Monsanto and that can modify in its own the generic material created in the laboratory and in its act loosing their ability to control the future generations of that particular seed.

When Monsanto started doing their experimentation on crops, it was strictly with the purpose to control the resistance to certain insects, but as the government loose its control of this giant company and the governance of it, Monsanto unleashed it hungry monopoly system on trying to modify not only its resistance to plagues but also its grow, development and reproduction cycles, even getting to make some seeds hybrids and others unable to reproduce on its second generational life, these are known as suicide seeds.

Lets not forget that Mother Earth is the perfect creator of life and does not need any help. Have been the sole creator for thousands of years that we known of it.

If Monsanto lose its laboratories and can not control the continue modification to its perfect balance as they planned, the real catastrophe will take place in all the species that they equivocally modified without Mother Earth consent.

In the event of a global catastrophe. Do you ever wonder what will happen to the species that were modified.

What then?…what it will happen? when they can’t modify the species any more, when all the seeds have lose its ability to reproduce? Who will come to the rescue of the seeds.
The seeds are the base of survival of any species, if we play with their genetic material we taking the risk to forever lose that specie. Every time that one seed is modify, nature lose that specie. We lose that specie.

Monsanto have been modifying genes for 30 years, that we know. There is a short list known to the scientific community, and to the governmental agencies in charge of controlling its activities. But really Monsanto have been honest to the world? Does it planned since the beginning the seize of life on Earth. Did it do it with all premeditation and advantage to control and monopoly the seeds production and/or the food supply?

This are not easy questions to answer without being being puzzled by worry and grieve for our future. The farmers that have suffered already the unfair practices of Monsanto and the controversial rulings of the courts around the world, know better. We need to be the real opinion makers of the “News” we hear in the wires, they have been misleading for years, The SEEDS should be a very important SUBJECT to search and go to the bottom of the TRUTH. Your future as species is at stake.

Every body should be asking these questions, you do not need to be farmer to be concerned with your future.
If you are human and need to eat to survive, you better start your research on Monsanto activities.

Do what is at your hands to control, DO NOT BE PART of this criminal enterprise that is MONSANTO. DO NOT EAT seedless fruits. Do not eat any vegetables or animal known to have been genetically modified. Why?…because Monsanto oversees the production of seeds and did not took in consideration the DNA modification on Humans and Animals that consume their modified crops.

They only worry for their profits and their monopoly of seeds and eventually Monopoly of Food Supplies.

Monsanto and their gang think that they have cover all the situations, they planned so well, with the complicity of the International Monetary Fund that with trickery forced third world countries to take loan from them, and to force them to import contaminated seeds. They forced these third world countries to “DONATE” TONS OF VIRGIN SEEDS to be stored in the Domed Vault in Norway. Few Billionaires were invited to be part of this Future Enterprise for humanity.

Just recently we saw a video on youtube where farmers in Haiti where burning seeds donated by MONSANTO, those farmers knew what they were doing, they prefer suffer hungry now and not starve to death in a not to far future.
“Food Freedom recently reported that Chavannes Jean-Baptiste, peasant farmer leader of the Peasant Movement of Papay (MPP) called the entry of Monsanto seeds into Haiti “a very strong attack on small agriculture, on farmers, on biodiversity, on Creole seeds. Monsanto’s seed donations were an unwelcomed gift to a country with vocal opposition to GMO seeds for fear they would ruin what little agriculture the country has left.

Monsanto will be donating 60,000 seed sacks of hybrid corn and vegetable seeds to Haiti and MPP leader Chavannes Jean-Baptiste has vowed to burn them. According to Food Freedom,”

There is nothing that you as “CONSUMER” can not do, after all we live in a consumerist society ruled by the power of SUPPLY AND DEMAND, do not demand/eat their products and soon rather than later they have to stop producing them.

SAVE your world is in your hands. WAKE UP and take your future back.

September 20, 2010 Posted by | Globalist, Light and Darkness, MONSANTO, Truth | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

The Last Hiccups Of The Falling Empire -Pakistan Warned; Noose Being Tightened

Posted on 28 Jul, 2010 by Editor in Pakistan

Pakistan Warned; Noose Being Tightened

“There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that should an attack against the United States be traced to be Pakistani it would have a very devastating impact on our relationship” Hillary Clinton
By Raja G Mujtaba

Wiki leaks, Hillary threats, Mike Mullen’s parrot repeats, Holbrooke’s Viceroy authority all in one chorus sounds like a band show going on the in front of Metropolitan Museum of Art on Madison Avenue in full glare of the media spot lights, CNN, Fox News in the forefront.

Why this sudden change and surge of media statements, leaks, open threats in every conceivable way to threaten Pakistan as a reward for her all out support and participation in the so called ‘War on Terror.’ I knew it from day one, that American arrival in Afghanistan with complete involvement of NATO was basically a buildup against Pakistan. I had said it repeatedly in my articles and talks that I delivered at various forums. America wanted to be here to denuclearize, deislamise and delink Pakistan from China; a Zionist dream.

Hillary, am not surprised, behind the soft skin of your face I could always see a devil smiling. It had to, after all you have been awarded for your commitment to the Zionist cause. It’s well known that when you were contesting the senate election, Pakistani Americans had raised funds for you that you very conveniently returned after having been elected to the office saying that you would not be able to support the Muslim world against Israel. So you were committed, you lost the presidential race but the Zionists did not lose you; very promptly they brought you as Secretary of State so you could deliver.

Your last visit to Pakistan where you did some PR exercise, was a total farce, people were showering praises on you but I knew you were just charming them to betray them after they had reposed trust and faith in you. You could not have betrayed and hit back had they not fallen for your charms.

All the media slender that has unleashed after your opening salvo from the Pakistan soil is no less than a diplomatic terrorism; through your statements, you have tried to intimidate the people of Pakistan. You are proving a bigger terrorists, Osama is not even a shadow of yours if he was a terrorist. After your opening round the rest of the guns fired like at the Normandy landings, all well planned and rehearsed. There is no slip of even a coma or a full stop in their texts.

What is mind boggling that you as first lady of America could not spot Monica Lewinsky playing games with Bill Clinton right under your nose in the White House basement but you had a very sharp vision to locate Osama in the mountains of Pakistan where even mules can’t reach. Lady you must remember that it has been your state office and other agencies that have been releasing statements about Osama’s death. Now how all of a sudden you have brought to life the carcass that has been moth and worm eaten if any pieces were left after Daisy Cutters that must have blown him into dust or at best he could have been buried somewhere deep in the hills of Tora Bora. Bravo Lady Clinton bravo.

Before this final assault on Pakistan to cover your defeat in Afghanistan at the hands of ill equipped Taliban who have literally made you eat dust, you started a series of events to zero Pakistan with some profiling. Of such events, there is a long list that can be quoted but would just mention a last few like Faisal Shahzad in Times Square, dispatching of five American youths to Sargodha in Pakistan where the biggest air base is located, raising a false flag in Chili where again a Pakistani was involved for his clothes smelled. The Chili police released him but the American fugitive got him arrested again thereafter never heard of him. What happened in London bombing, Spain were all links of the same chain.

A media campaign to profile Pakistan as the next evil doer has been going on since 9/11. At various intervals and various locations around the world, some false flag has been raised to profile Pakistan in some terror activity. Immediately after 9/11, two Pakistanis were arrested in Mexico on an assumed charge of some terror activity there. Jeff Gates, Gordon Duff and Wayne Madsen are but a few names who have written enough on the subject. Now that James Mel Rockefeller has also come out in the open, he has lot more to add and expose you false flag operations.

A few days back, Omar bin Laden, one of the sons of the alleged Al Qaeda mastermind Osama bin Laden has said that he believes his father is still alive, and that he still loves him in spite of his links to various terror-related tragedies around the world. This is a statement that has clear signature of have been prompted by putting words in his mouth. Hillary wanted to have a ground accuse Pakistan for harboring Osama Bin Laden so that grounds are prepared to attack. If this be true, then Hillary should be looking in the basement of White House where Monica too found a safe heaven.

Hillary is not the first secretary of state to have terrorized Pakistan, the former iron lady Condolisa Rice, commonly known in this part of the world as Queen Sheeba is on record to have given some very serious threats to terrorize Pakistan. Richard Armitage wanted to take us into stone age; these are just a few names. I can go back to Henry Kissinger era too or that of Madeline Albright but don’t want to run out of space.

It has been reliably learnt from high credibility sources in DC that now in the power corridors, whisper campaign is going on that balkanisation of Pakistan is fate accomplice. They see it as their necessity like Kissinger thought it necessary to disintegrate Pakistan in 1971. Pakistani public is well aware as to how and for what purpose the present set of government has been brought in. They have their compulsions, they have billions of plundered money stacked in your banks, thus you hold them by the tails. They have no option but to do what you wish them to else they lose all the money. The people know it well that be it PPP, PMLs, ANP, MQM and some other elements are on board to that affect.

It must be kept in mind, in case of any adventurism 180 million people would stand steadfast with complete disregard to what the installed puppets may think to protect and play your game. In that case they would risk their lives at the hands of the public lest they are pulled out by you.

It is evident that now the focus has been lifted off Iran, the spotlight is on Pakistan. This is also a talk in Washington DC that America cannot misadventure in Iran but she thinks that through her installed puppets in Islamabad she can take on Pakistan. Thus for this purpose, Blackwater and other such elements had been pushed in here.

It’s no secret that the key figures of BLA and some dissident tribes like the Bugtis and Marris are in their safety being looked after and fed to be launched as freedom fighters. Recently as reported in the press, one such political asylum has been granted to Dawood Suleman, the Khan of Kalat by the British Government at the behest of the US administration. This is how friends are rewarded by buying out a few traitors to be used as propaganda material against Pakistan.

America is sadly mistaken, Pakistan is not the few puppets installed by them, but 180 million who would shred to pieces any collaborators that dare to side the enemies of Pakistan. At this critical juncture, Pakistan has a very committed leadership of the Armed Forces that is very professional and loyal to the soil. The forces are very professional and well trained. They have given ample demonstration of their professional competence in clearing out the miscreants launched by America and her proxies Israel and India. Americans must know, Pakistan is not Iraq, it’s a country armed with all the technologies and mostly indigenous therefore in any given theater America would get the run for its money.

There is no secret why America is behaving so desperate; the war has been lost, it was Bush’s war that Obama has owned, the people back home are sick and tired of the lies emanating from White House, Capitol Hill etc. The body bags are on the rise but are kept hidden from the American public. Bodies are trickled back home in silence so that these don’t become a media stock. Americans want war trials of Bush, Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld etc. People of Pakistan would like to include Parvez Musharraf too in the list of war criminals, so do the British who want Bush’s poodle Tony Blair to be tried.

Talking to Karen Kwiatkowski, a retired Lieut Col of the US Air Force on the subject said, “I know that we have a history of turning against past friends and allies — but I don’t understand the point of any attack on Pakistan – even diplomatic attacks as Hillary has been doing — when our best chance of finding any remaining bad guys relating to 9/11 (if you believe the story that those bad guys did 9/11) would lie with Pakistan’s government/local leaders.

Unless we are looking for a backlash — and I heard that mentioned on radio this morning, it could be that in provocation the politicians and generals feel they can sustain their presence in Afghanistan. Of course, it is an unpopular war here, but Americans don’t feel the war in a personal way.”

She further stated, “If so, this indicates an amazing amount of stupidity on the part of our generals and politicians, and also desperation.”

This is a high risk gamble that Obama is playing that only fools play to save his own and the necks of his predecessors. Stakes are very high, Obama would be a loser all the way down, this ambitious misadventure would burn America inside out. Her collapse like that of Soviet Union would become inevitable. It’s true that no power has lasted for ever and its equally true that all powers have vanished in pursuit of their mad dreams. Germany, Soviet Union, Great Britain are all examples from the recent history. Now it is a writing on the wall that America’s innings is over. America cannot avert her defeat by expanding the war, in fact it’s destruction under its own weight will be expedited.

Its about time that Nuremberg trials be reenacted and save the innocent people from the wrath of these war perpetrators both in the US and elsewhere.

Hillary Clinton Mad Dog Lose

Hillary Clinton Ranting Like Mad Dog Unleashed

July 28, 2010 Posted by | Education and Religion, Globalist, History, News, The Global Citizen, War and Peace | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Opinion Maker-where Truth is The News and readers are The Opinion Makers

Posted on July 12, 2010 by Marivel Guzman

Opinion MakerWhat does it takes to write the truth? Regular Ordinary Citizens now days are engaged in the writing process and the dissemination of the truth. Be my truth or your truth is up to the Opinion Makers.
In this complex society that we are living, a world ravaged by wars, disperse by religions, divided by ideas, segregated by colors, is amazing that we can reunite in a virtual world where we chat as old friends, a virtual coffee shop where we drink a picture in your wall, where your ideas are spread, judged, misjudged, argued, deleted and at the end of the day and after a long day of differences you still be friend of your worse enemy.
The opinion makers are you, your opinion is my worse nightmare, my opinion distasteful to your morning coffee. We all become opinion makers.
We write what we feel, what we know, what we want, what we search, what we discover and we enjoy this non pay job that we do with an almost addiction, with a religious everyday observance. We the Opinion Makers are obsessed with the truth, we can’t take the main stream news any more as news, but as propaganda. We the Opinion Makers has discovered the way to make our opinion count, even thought is just in the social networks, we feel the satisfaction of have done a great justice to truth, when we sit for hours writing, posting, commenting in every single wall of our countless friends. We have become the active Opinion Makers of the world, when before, the broadcasting networks saw us as a clients of their advertisements adds, now we become the Opinion Makers, and we are seen as important as the Adds.
How this become to be?, we the public blogger, the free writers, the video editors, the photographers, and publishers are just Opinion Makers. We do not generate one penny for the Social Network that we subscribe, but in the long run we will be the writers of History as never written before, we will write our story and History will be just his-story.
The Truth is the News and can not be cover by beautiful and crafty words. The Truth is destined to survive the most entertaining fictional story of the editor of Fox or CNN, these networks are struggling to keep us hooked to their lies.
CSPAN is ready to interview the hard to get personages on the Political Spectrum to attract us back, but years of mingling with the Truth, and years of Editing lies had set us networks apart.
What can I say about evening news, in every station around the globe, they all fighting for ratings. "Charly Bit my finger" or "Blooood" boy have more viewers in an afternoon than all the broadcasting news in the US and Canada together, let alone all the youtube, meta caffee and others channels that attract us to the every day Truths and Realities.
I tell you times are changing, we have become the Opinion Makers, The Video Editors, The Free Press: The New Press of the world. We the regular citizens can not be attracted any more for an add of Coca Cola, or a refreshing bath of Zeth.
There is no way that we can go back to be the passive spectators that for years, warmed the sofas in front to the TV’s. Now we are part of the making of the news, we are part of the story, we are making the story and the Opinion Makers of the Truth.

July 12, 2010 Posted by | Economics of the Poor, Education, The Global Citizen, The Mind | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment