Seeds and Dreams

The New Press: Free Press, Where The Truth is the News

Indeed I m in LOVE!

Posted by Marivel Guzman
Indeed I m in Love!.

Indeed I m in Love

How fortunate got to be the owner of my dreams,
How fortunate got to be the dreamers that share my dreams,
How fortunate got to be the minds that expand,
The MINDS that create better REALITIES!
The Ones that are ILLUMINATED and WALK the path
of the light worker, the ONE that sees, hears, feels, senses and transcends without looking back,
Indeed I m in LOVE, and I tell you WHY:
Because my dreams are extensive and eccentric, out of the norm,
Because my dreams are explosive and comprise the whole world,
My ideal of love is more than just an isolated sentiment reciprocated.
My love is a great energy that moves with me, and within the world that I want to live IN.
I m in love with LOVE!, because gives me the reason to live,
I m in love with my inner self, because is my energy vortex that exalts me to a higher self,
I m in love with the world that I m defending, because I only have ONE.
I m in love with nature, that I want to preserve, for my children and your children, and the Future Generations,
I m in love with PEACE!, because I want it for everyone on earth, because is a God’s given gift.
I m in love with Mother Earth because she is the Mother of life and green, and she worths the fight,
I m in love with the PEN, because let me express my most intimates feelings,
I m in love with the RED of my HEART, because, RED gives me the passion, and the courage
to tell you how I m feeling inside,
I m in love with POETRY, because is the expression of your MIND and your HEART thinking as ONE,
I m in love with the WORD! because spreads the simpler TRUTH,
I m in love with Palestine the symbol of human struggles, and is my children Land.
I m in love with Gaza because she is a prisoner inside a prison, and I want her to be free,
I m in love with you the resistance fighter, that love his land more than himself, because he will gives his blood to sink on the land to feed it and not let it die,
I m in love with anyone that stands for justice, because he will stop at NOTHING! and will raise his voice, and will fight for you, without blinking an eye,
I m in love with the innocent mind because is pure, and can not be in chains of any kind.
I m in love with my Dreams, because they guide me and they lead me to be better all the time,
I m in love with the eternal dreamer of the spotless mind, because he will always will be striving for better reality than the ONE is offered with strings and pulling all the TIME!.
I m in Love with you LOVE!, because Love will never fights back, and LOVE never DIES.
I m in love with the conscientiousness that is moving and changing the Note of Love to a Universal Feeling that envelopes us ALL, and make us EVOLVE to other dimensions NEVER Sense before.
I m in love with YOU! and I send you my frequency of Love, to be tune up to a higher vibration, to reach the altitudes of the purest state of the mind,

Do you Love ME? Do you love your WORLD?

Can you share my Dreams?

Can you fight absurdity with me?

Can you put aside HATE AND GREED, and move toward The World I want to see and BE?

Can you Choose Between WAR and PEACE! and do it with the understanding that WAR is not OPPOSITE of PEACE?

I want you to see through my eyes, and feel with my heart,

And I want you to feel my compassion, I want you crying with rage, when you see pain inflicted in another human being. When you see trees being cut, when you see, SEEDS genetically MODIFIED.

I want you to YELL MAD, when you see Planes spreading Chemtrails that is not other thing but POISON,

Chemtrails that kills your WATER, and make HELL OUT OF A HURRICANE,


Now you know Why I m in LOVE?


January 2, 2011 Posted by | Akashma, Economics of the Poor, Education and Religion, Gaza Today, MONSANTO, Opinion Maker, The Mind, Truth, War and Peace | , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

The thought of a writer

September 19, 2008

I was listening to one of Zig Ziglar’s speeches in YouTube, from one of his seminars and suddenly I felt motivated to write some more lines for my “Book”, not like the literal definition of a book, more like a diary, a journey to my life experience during all my years as reader.

The name of the seminar is “Setting Goals”, sometimes all it takes is a little push , So I have planned to write my “Book” on the summer of 2007, I’ve been reading and researching all kind of material for my “Book”, but it has been more difficult than I thought, there is plenty of information in the subject but there has been an awakening journey, more I immerse myself in my ideas and research about other people’s ideas.
I see myself navigating in a sea of theories, laws, discoveries, mysteries, doctrines and indoctrination, information and misinformation, science and fiction and just anything imaginable and unimaginable where everything is together and refuse to separate.
Every idea that I have explored comes with an attachment, every theory comes packed with references that crisscross to history, religion, science, fiction, spirituality, ancient civilization, UFO Theory, I mean everything is mysteriously connected. So here I am 2010 with more than 1000 pages written about “everything” and more I write more I get to the conclusion that is impossible to write a book and pour in it all the information that I want to write.

My initial idea was to deliver in one simple “book”, written in simple language leaving out big words, I always thought simple language is necessary to deliver the message to the people, writing elegantly and using big words is for intellectuals, and I am not one nor is the people I want to reach.

I started reading big books since I was 10 years old, I remember Crime and Punishment by Feodor Dostoevsky, I end up reading most of his literature, so I started in a reading Quest. I have read more books than I can remember, from the classics to the more contemporaneous writers; I am an indiscriminate reader ; from philosophy, religion, fiction, science, history, politics, folk stories, just name a subject, I like them all, and more I read more I understand the necessity to write, I cannot help it. It has to be done, the ideas are too many inside me, I feel that I can explode at any moment.
My soul is pounding in my consciousness, forcing me to deliver my simple understanding to the people, to those that don’t have the time to explore the big dictionary, it to those with simple mind that don’t understand big and elaborated words and messages with dubious meaning that don’t fit their reality.
This is my journey I want to give back to the people what I learned, and sometimes, I feel that it is an obligation that I have to simplify the message and deliver it in the simplest form, deciphered and ready to be absorbed for the most curious and simple minds.

What motivates people to write books or journals? Well is very complex to explain but very easy to understand is you are in the writer’s shoes. I don’t see myself as a writer, I don’t think that I fit the description, I m more like a mind blogger, that writes everything that feels, sees, knows, discover, uncover, search and search.
This inner necessity of mine that that push me to give, the urgency to tell. The unselfish motive to share what we know what we believe, what we suffer and feel, what we discover and understand everything.

You will notice that sometimes I use journal style in my writing is a way to tell you how I structured this book, my motivations on any given day. My understanding of an idea, I hope you will understand the message, is done with love for all of you.
And the best of my idea is that is Free to you, my thoughts are a gift for the ordinary citizen of the world, the global citizen. And the better news is that you don’t need to speak my language to understand, the online translator is the free tools for humanity, where we are all part of the news.

March 2, 2009 Posted by | Education, Light and Darkness, Personal Grow and Awareness, Spirituality, The Global Citizen, The Mind | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment