Seeds and Dreams

The New Press: Free Press, Where The Truth is the News

The Mind Works In Mysterious Ways, Facebook works in another!

Created February 28, 2012 at 4:06pm


Updated June 7, 2022 6::02 PM

I wrote this blog almost 10 years ago. I’m doing a facelift of the same. The information I shared then has dramatically changed. The world is a different world. New spheres of influence has been drawn. The economy is shreds. The UN has already reached every corner of the world. Agenda 21, which should be all implemented by 2030 is a sure success.

By now, Facebook and Google owned the whole’s communications systems. Their face recognition software is used to pry in our privacy.

In Facebook, I m known for being Pro -Palestinians, Pro-Peace and Pro everything that people think is good for the the well-being of humanity and the world.

My posts are familiar in the international community of activists. I Share poetry, Palestinian news, and news that significantly affect us. War and peace, ecology, poverty, space, international relations and most importantly, UN role in the world.

I use the internet as a tool, to search, research, and share what I discover, what I think is important to share, and also what I find interesting for all to know, of course all according to me.

I do not consider myself to be a writer, I m journalist, and I attended the university to be a professional political writer or anything similar.

I also hold under my credentials few degrees and certificates. Register Nurse, administrative medical office certificate, computer programmer, Internet Publisher, Web Site Designer, Civil Engineer(Non Graduated), Medical transcriptions, Networking technician.

As you see nothing to do with English and Literature, except from my Journalism and Communications bachelor, which carries lots of English and media jargon, I’m just an ordinary citizen. Everything I write is from a regular citizen that sees the world with analytical eyes, and writes about it.

I love to research old documents, and gotten to the habit to collect antiques books. I compile the information I research, and after a careful analysis, I write articles based on my knowledge of data collected from news agencies, think tanks, books I have read and other people articles.

The internet is a magnificent way to distribute the events that occur in the world without editing the content or photoshop the images, to share our ideas, and the ideas of others, but its also the best propaganda weapon, used by the elite and the governments, understanding by propaganda: Paid News that benefit the corporate world and the governments around the world that were imposed on their people. I want to share a little experiment with all my Facebook friends.

I’m writing this note to leave evidence. We know that Facebook is like a big family’s workplace, we know each other: by our posts, status and comments. In addition we are judged by our content in Facebook. Our personality is liked or unlike by our taste on the postings, or the type of friends we are surrounded by.

Many friends in Facebook do not post their real pictures, some, because their religion, or their culture, and some, because they enjoy the anonymous presence that this gives them in Facebook.

I know of friends that are in love with the faces they see in Facebook, whose faces are models, actresses, singers or other not real characters they have created, where they live in a virtual fantasy life around these ‘faces’.

There are friends that ‘befriend’, because they can some how use you. Very common, if you are from the US, you will have many admires that want to have a romance with you, ‘ultimate goal’ ‘green card’, not all of them, but lots of them.

Some have even gone far enough to create a profile of the opposite sex pretending to be woman or man, and they had developed friendships, that look real, but they are leaving in a fake reality. Some had done it for curiosity, others to infiltrate circles of friends that other wise would not be available to them.

Facebook is the perfect place to develop friendships and even to created more than friendships, some have fallen in love, and some have even got married with their Facebook friends, others had woken up to a sad reality, where their “friends” were already married, too old or too young, or just trolls.

Facebook platform has been used to lure us into believing in ideas that are not ours, some ‘friends’ are using Facebook to distribute their radical ideas, their agenda, their government agendas, ..but we do not know that..we are part of their network and we are believed to be part of that agenda, these friends are so careful to first become your ‘great’ friend, at the beginning she/he will be sharing with you only spiritual messages, or beautiful pictures, only after you become ‘their’ friend and feel that safely can share his/her material in your wall he do with the conscience that you will defend his/her ideas no matter what.

Some common occurrence in Facebook is the gossip-like environment that is embraced for some, they follow the mounting evidence created out of gossip, comments made, pictures posted and web sites that have not been corroborated, web pages built only to “Prove Things”, I myself know people that create web sites only to confuse and to distribute the opposite idea of what is being said. Debunking.

In Facebook we share happy faces, we give love, we make friends, but also we make heroes, we destroy characters, we destroy people lives with the easiness of a few strokes of the keyboard and we make free enemies, and great friends as well.

Some ‘friends’ become so close to us that they communicate with us outside of Facebook, they really become closed friends in Facebook they share their personal pictures, news and others things, but they do not show us at the beginning their political affiliations, or their ultimate goal, they dragged ‘us’ to their Facebook environment, and others judge us for that friendship.

Your friend’s political ideas are stamped on you, because you are friend with that person.

Some even get to develop friendship jealously and some have tried to imposed their will on some of us, very common to spread the if “you are his/her friend can’t be in his/her list”…
Very often your friends want to put you in between the wall and the sword, telling things like this:

Every pro Palestine supporter should immediately take her off their friends list,by being friends with her they are directly supporting her.


Delete him/her, Otherwise, you are giving her tacit support.

That is absolutely not true, we can share opinions and agree in some topics and disagree in others. I have the experience. I have been bashed, insulted, and slandered for the people that insist on being the only right about topics. People,that sees the world black and white, like Bush, “if you are not with me, you are against me,” cheap rhetoric, but powerful enough to make you lose friendships over ideas.

I completely disregard their claims, and I keep as my friends who I want, and delete who I don’t. I do not care, if we differ in opinions, it is natural to be different.

Facebook is our reunion room, after dinner-coffee-table. We come here to share, comment, learn, teach, to gossip, to create division, some have change their ideology and religion over Facebook and become activists themselves. I have witnessed the transition of dozen friends.

I m very happy for that, I have tried myself to nurture some minds, and I have become their friends trying to help them to become humans again, that is the case of dozen of friends of mine that are for choice or no choice soldiers in armies, some success stories other not, but something for sure they did not make me believe in their ideas, even if their reasons are valid.

Any way that is the idea, that’s how I see Facebook, and from now on February 28, 2012, I will paint another face of myself, and I hope that I m wrong, but I m almost sure that I will lose my dear friends over Facebook experiment New Face. I m will also test with this my friendship with my brothers and sisters that have bonded with me, if real friendship exist will prevail.

February 29, 2012 Posted by | Akashma, Awareness, Education and Religion | , , , , , , | Leave a comment